Aston Martin Works, the country’s, and possibly the world’s, premier Aston Martin Service and Heritage Restoration Centre, has specified the Etic Series, a wood effect porcelain tile, for the new showroom and conference facility.
Aston Martin Works, not only retails and services new and pre-owned Aston Martin cars, it also houses the Heritage Centre displaying historical references of Aston Martin’s products. The site is also home to world’s leading Heritage restoration workshop, where some of the most important cars in the history of Aston Martin have been repaired, serviced or totally restored.
The workshop facility within the Heritage Centre is tiled using the Minoli workshop specification porcelain tiles, 200 x 200 x 12mm, in an area which is almost 2,000 m2.
Jonathon Minoli, Managing Director of Minoli commented, “We are truly delighted to have had the opportunity to work with the design team and directors at Aston Martin on this project. It is without doubt one of the most prestigious projects we have been fortunate to work on for many years. The choice of the Etic series over a natural wood was made by the Aston Martin team, once they were able to see the benefits in having the look and feel of a wood floor but the practicality of a quality Minoli porcelain tile”.
Jonathon Minoli recently attended the annual Bonham’s Aston Martin Auction, which was held in the newly developed site. This record-breaking auction of historically important Aston Martin cars attracted almost 2,000 people throughout the day, as well as a VIP reception which was held in the Heritage Centre on the Etic tiled floor, which was admired by the attendees.
Aston Martin seek to embrace beauty, craft and art in everything they do and the Minoli Etic series provides the perfect stage on which to showcase some of the most iconic luxury British sports cars ever produced.