Posted in Minoli
6th April 2020
At the end of last week Minoli was contacted by Louise Simpson (whose husband Craig works here in the warehouse) in regards to a little “transportation issue” she had to resolve…
Louise works at the Diagnostic Directorate within the Oxford
University Hospitals NHS Trust.
In the preparations for the anticipated Coronavirus Patients, equipment is being moved between the hospitals within the Trust.
Some of it is really rather heavy…
Louise asked if we could provide one of our trucks and a driver to collect some heavy radiology panels and deliver them to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Headington, Oxford.
So this morning, Mike set off from Minoli to the Headington area of Oxford to help out the team at the radiology department…

With the trucks having been purpose built to carry relatively compact, but heavy items (tile pallets) they are ideal for this type of job.
Dear Sophie
Please can you pass on our gratitude to Jonathon for helping us this morning. Also to Mike (the driver) who was brilliant.
We really are so grateful. The equipment is vital for us at this time and we just didn’t know how to get it across to the JR.
I took some photos (attached) and please do use them. I will also be doing my own facebook post.
Once again many thanks
Oxford University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
We, the Minoli team are truly delighted to have been able to
help in this very small away.
Stay Home – Stay Safe – Protect the NHS.