Posted in Fleet, Minoli, Minoli London
25th October 2016
Minoli Fleet Upgrades
Minoli – known for having immaculate vehicles has undertaken a program of upgrades and renovations across the fleet.
This vehicle (YDC) pictured , after its third year in service has been fully refurbished and has just come back into full service. The works are undertaken to ensure that the Minoli fleet is kept in as good a condition as it can possibly. This helps to maintain the image associated with the company and the products.
Chris, Minoli transport manager commented. ” I am now more than half way through the program of ensuring the fleet is completely up to date and representing the company correctly. The three older vehicles (12 plates) were all scheduled to have any and all body work carried out, two are complete and one is due to go to the truck body builder shortly. Although we are so busy it may have to wait! Jonathon and I are aware that although no expense is spared in the maintenance of the vehicles mechanically, it is vital that the company and its image is reflected in what are, in effect our most visible assets… The fleet of trucks…”
With the next 10 weeks in the run up to Christmas the amongst the very busiest of the year traditionally … This newly refurbished truck will certainly be needed .