Posted in Minoli, New ranges
10th September 2014
For Minoli each year has always led up to our very busy period starting in September. No matter how busy or quiet a year has been, the months of September, October and November are always the ones that have the most activity and sometimes December as well.
September really signals the start of “The Season” where we see a dramatic upturn in orders and activities. September also sees the Cersaie Exhibition in Italy, where the Minoli team seek out the very latest collections ready to launch in the following year. In recent years we have sourced some truly amazing collections in Cersaie, such as Evolution Marvel, Evolution Iconic and wood collections such as Axis and Travelling. These ranges, once finalised are previewed to our corporate clients towards the end of November.
Evolution Axis – A new ranged launched after 2013 Cersaie Exhibition
October, this is the month where we see the most activity from our core client base, with developers looking to complete projects in good time for the year end, with their clients aiming to be in the new properties well before Christmas and retailers working with their clients to achieve much the same ends.
November, this is a month where the Minoli policy of keeping large stocks really comes in to its own, as shipping from the production sources becomes more compromised by the need by the transport companies to accommodate seasonal produce. The Minoli stocks are kept very high for the last quarter of the year and our ability to deliver from stock ensures our clients can finish projects. November also sees us putting the finishing touches on our new year collection and normally the preview is held.
December, often a strange month, normally with only two full trading weeks, (three this year) it can often be exceptionally busy or very quiet, there is no real pattern to this, but again out ability to deliver from stock ensures that clients in a hurry can specify Minoli to ensure the project is completed.
With the forth coming showroom re launch in George street where many of our corporate clients will see the completed 2014 collection set out in stunning room set displays, as well as enjoy the hospitality we are know for.
The autumn product preview date will be announced shortly, with the first opportunity to see the very latest ranges from the Cersaie exhibition.