December 14th 2020 – The 2021 Preview Night… that never was.
Today, December 14th should have been the night of the Minoli Annual Home House Preview Event.

As with nearly everything social this last year, the event was cancelled due to the situation in the country. Even if restrictions had been relaxed for us to hold the evening, the appetite for such occasions has somewhat diminished after all we have been through as a nation this last year.
So we are just going to take this opportunity to offer our sincere thanks to those who were ready and waiting – fully prepared to make the night the amazing occasion it always is!
The Minoli Mechanising & Marketing Team led by Nick, who toil for weeks in advance and then again on the day to ensure that the guests experience the new products in the best possible way.

The Home House Events Team, originally led by Claudia, but now by Nicola and Martina, who have always worked with us from the start of the year to make the incremental improvements to the planning of each and every aspect of the evening to make each one so much better than the last.

The Home House reservations team, led by Maryam – who seem to manage to allocate every room possible for our guests on the night, both in Home House and Home Grown, they have even been known to call in the odd favour locally to ensure our guests get great accommodation.
The Home House Executive Catering Team, who go to great efforts to make the canapes both exciting and filling on what tends to be a cold December evening.
Rosario and Gordon from Italian Continental, sourcing the Prosecco and Wines for the night – all by Santome, as well as the special Panettone for the end of evening goody bags.

The Mayfair Singers – the opening act of the night – so many of our guests tell us that for them, Christmas begins at 6.00 PM exactly on the night of the Minoli event when the carols start..

Verity and Violet – Jess and Lou to their friends “screen sirens from a bygone era” – who bring even more glamour to Home House – a venue known for its opulence.

The Anthemics – the boys who rock us all into the early hours, we ask them to bring the house down and they very nearly do!

One very special thanks to Andrew Richardson Managing Director of the Home House Collection – who continues to allow us to book… Thank you Andrew.
So it will be with a heavy heart that we go home as normal this evening, rather than dashing to put our best suits & party dresses on ready for what would have been the 10th Home House Party.