Posted in TTA Awards
20th March 2014
Brand New TTA Awards Finalist Logo Introduced
2014 will see many positive changes for The Tile Association and its members, and one of the first for this year’s TTA Awards is the new logo that has been designed especially for the awards finalists this year.
In the past an award winners’ logo has been distributed for winners, but following a positive response from finalists wishing to promote this achievement for their businesses and employees we will be distributing a finalists badge logo this year as well.
This is a result of requests that we have received from members of the association, and in true spirit of listening to the needs of members and enabling them to better promote themselves as the trustworthy and innovative businesses they are, this is just one of our new offerings.
The finalists badge logo will be distributed to all finalists within the next week or so, so look out for your fantastic new badges finalists!
Minoli are Finalist in three of the most prestigious categories:
- Floor Tile of the Year – Minoli Etic Range
- Excellence in Tile Distribution
- Excellence in Marketing — New London Showroom Launch