Posted in 7th Anniversary, Minoli, Minoli London
9th September 2020
THE SURFACE WITHIN – 7th Anniversary
Design Concepts – Inspiration & Design
Having secured the showroom space on George Street, the thoughts the Minoli team had as to how to present Minoli again in Central London had to be put together in to a cohesive package for translating to the design team.
After the fabulous reception the corporate showroom in Oxford received, Experience MEDA were commissioned to come up with the internal design concepts for The Surface Within – Minoli London.
The showroom was to be very much that – a showroom, not a shop. MEDA undertook the brief for the Minoli team and came up with these concepts, designing the space to be more ‘Art Gallery’ than what would be expected of a tile showroom – even in London.
The design concepts were so good that the Minoli team asked MEDA to create the working drawings and have the architectural department oversee the construction.
As you will see in the next posts – the finished showroom was remarkably close to these concepts!